Gilman Patrick LLC

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Patrick Martin

Banking Technology Consultant

(207) 653-4014

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Patrick Martin

Helping Bankers Make Money…from Honolulu to Boston

Developing and leading transformational initiatives within the banking industry is the space where Patrick Martin thrives. He is recognized as an industry expert in deciphering the elements that work collectively towards progress – and building a roadmap for successful execution.

In his work, Patrick becomes a trusted partner in advising clients on complex initiatives within financial institutions, outlining not only what it takes to optimize the organization’s performance, but also a comprehensive summary of how to make it happen.

Gilman Patrick, Est. 2015

Based on the belief that the banking industry is facing a major disruption – with local banks in a unique position to benefit – Patrick founded Gilman Patrick in 2015.

Through his work with Gilman Patrick, he builds strong partnerships to focus on both the Making Money and Saving Money sides of the equation in the banking industry.

Key Speaking & Training Topics

Banking + Technology


optimization & automation

Patrick shares his blend of innovation and expertise to confidently guide banks to tighten operations and establish smarter processes, as well as to build profitable new niches and creative solutions.

Gain insight into:

Tap into the full potential of automation without causing breakdowns in your operations.

Web 3.0

The future of finance it digital. As a culture, we accepted online banking, ATMs, credit cards, and more with little effort. However, the next wave of technological advancement is here, and it’s complicated.

Learn how to leverage:

Don’t get left behind in this fast paced digital climate.

web 3.0

Decentralized Finance

Do these two words together cause fear or confusion? 


Don’t allow your financial institution to get left behind due to lack of knowledge or understanding!

Banking Technology

Reviewing product comparisons, regulatory changes, new financial technologies, and other topics of interests.

Gain Knowledge on:

Stay up to date with all the new tech available to keep your financial institution relevant.

banking tech
Patrick Martin
Patrick Martin@patrickgmartin
“Web 3.0 success hinges on banks being ready for the change.”
Patrick Martin
Patrick Martin@patrickgmartin
"Changes during planning cost pennies, changes during implementation cost millions"
Patrick Martin
Patrick Martin@patrickgmartin
"Our customers are not our testers"



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