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It’s been a New York Times Bestseller. The winner of the Global Policy Institute Award. Named as one of the “Best Books of the Year by Financial Times, The Times (UK), Esquire, Prospect (UK).

And that’s just to name a few accolades.

Civil War Today? We’re Sitting in a Woodshed, Playing with Matches

For those of you who read my previous book recommendation, The Fourth Turning is Here by Neil Howe, you will recognize why the next book is on my list. Civil wars have been flaring up all over the world since the GFC.

It feels like we’re sitting in the woodshed playing with matches.

On July 21st 1861, Senators, Congressmen along with families and children paraded from Washington DC for picnics in Centreville, Virginia where the hills provided a great view of the civil war.

How Civil Wars Start: Walters Greatest Achievement

They were certain that the battle of Bull Run would be the first and last battle. They barely came away with their lives – and the rest is history. Today civil war is being openly discussed at polite dinner parties and debated by idiots on TV. Before you join the parade, please read my next book recommendation, “How Civil Wars Start” by Barbara F. Walter.

“How Civil Wars Start” was given to me as a gift and honestly, I thought it was written by Barbara Walters (the journalist). I must confess my first impression of Barbara F. Walter came from her many cable news interviews. Yet another extreme expert trying to sell a book. I was surprised to discover she is a world-renowned expert on civil wars, political violence, and terrorism. Barbara brings you through all the major civil wars of her time and clearly outlines the conditions for civil war.

Is the US on the Brink of Civil War?

Something she wrote still haunts me: “No one expects a civil war.”  No matter how obvious in hindsight, it was never considered possible at the time.

Why does this matter to Americans, anyway? Here’s a snippet from Amazon that sheds light:

“Perhaps surprisingly, both autocracies and healthy democracies are largely immune from civil war; it’s the countries in the middle ground that are most vulnerable. And this is where more and more countries, including the United States, are finding themselves today.”

You can order your copy here on Amazon. By the way – I’m not an Amazon affiliate and I don’t make any money if you do decide to purchase. I just enjoy sharing my recommendations with you. Enjoy and please let me know your thoughts.

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