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Why “The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan is a Must-Read

We’re living in an artificial world on borrowed time. 


The Accidental Superpower by Peter Zeihan  

In 2014, I was fortunate enough to hear Peter Zeihan speak and discuss his then-new book The Accidental Superpower. Peter’s way of assessing geopolitics was unlike anything else I had heard or read.  

After reading his book, I thought “This guy is making some audacious predictions…” And I packed the book away in a box and forgot about it until February 24, 2022 when I thought to myself, “Holy crap! Where did I put that book?” 

Zeihan Chronicles America’s Place in a De-Globalizing World 

You see, Peter even predicted the Ukraine war eight years prior – to the very month – and he’s been scary right about a lot of other events too.  

“The Accidental Superpower, Ten Years On” is Peter Zeihan’s update to his original groundbreaking book. I’ve read all of his books and subscribe to his writings. And I can tell you it is definitely worth your time to read.   

Since the first edition is already ten years old, you will know much of what Peter predicted has already happened – or is happening. The Accidental Superpower is focused on America’s place in our de-globalizing world. It is surprisingly optimistic, given the severity of geopolitics today. He will bring you from the humble beginnings of America right into the future of the country.   

As one Amazon reviewer shared, “Peter Ziehan has geopolitical knowledge that enables him to put a country’s geography, history, politics and demographics together to paint a surprising prediction about the future as the United States pulls back from its post-World War II Bretton Woods commitments.” 

A Quick Peek into The Accidental Superpower 

Wondering who would most benefit from reading Zeihan’s work? Whether you’re a history buff, a political junkie, or just someone curious about the world around us, this must-read will leave you with a fresh perspective (and probably a lot of questions) on global events. 

Here are a few snippets to give you glimpse of what you’ll learn from this 400+ page powerhouse of a book:  

“In The Accidental Superpower, international strategist Peter Zeihan examines how the hard rules of geography are eroding the American commitment to free trade; how much of the planet is aging into a mass retirement that will enervate markets and capital supplies; and how, against all odds, it is the ever-ravenous American economy that – alone among the developed nations – is rapidly approaching energy independence.  

Combined, these factors are doing nothing less than overturning the global system and ushering in a new (dis)order. 

For most, that is a disaster-in-waiting, but not for the Americans.”

Why not? You’ll have to read the book to find out… 

Grab a copy on Amazon at this link. By the way – I’m not an Amazon affiliate and I don’t make any money if you do decide to purchase. I just enjoy sharing my recommendations with you. Enjoy, and please let me know your thoughts.   

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